50% of our assignments, however, have been to support clients’ searches for a CEO or MD or for commercial expertise and leadership in Brand Marketing, Trade Marketing or Sales. We also have made successful placements in the functions of Strategy; Finance; IT/IS/Digital; HR; Corporate Affairs; Security and Risk Management.
We know of people who can bring advanced learnings to your organisation to help you compete with and overtake the best in class, without unrealistic salary expectations.

Supply Chain Integration
Integrating operations across the full supply chain, including manufacturing, enables much improved customer service through enhanced efficiency, flexibility and agility at lower cost.
Introducing advanced manufacturing leadership, methodology, practices and performance management.
Integrated from raw materials procurement through to customer delivery, spanning supplier’s supplier to customer’s customer.
Supply Chain Integration
Integrating operations across the full supply chain, including manufacturing, enables much improved customer service through enhanced efficiency, flexibility and agility at lower cost.
Encompassing the full Supply Chain material and service requirements, contract management and capital spend.
Introducing advanced manufacturing leadership, methodology, practices and performance management.
Customer Service
Customer Service
Senior searches are always led and often conducted by our CEO, Mike Short. We keep you informed every step of the way and support you throughout.
We rarely advertise as, from our experience, people we want are already in good roles and do not peruse ads.
We approach potential candidates personally and confidentially.
After an initial brief assessment, we progress to extensive and intense interviews, in person where possible. We assess qualifications, experience and knowledge, leadership style, cultural fit, interest, career aspirations, remuneration and mobility.
If we’re comfortable with the candidate, we include them on our short-list of 3-5 of the best, which we aim to submit to you within 30 days.
We represent your needs ethically and confidentially, assessing and submitting only those whom we would consider if we were you.
We ask the client to commit to similar levels of confidentiality and to ensure fast follow up.